Flight review: flying Edelweiss
Antes de mudar de forma definitiva para Stuttgart, viemos à cidade numa primeira viagem a fim de resolver umas burocracias da mudança. Ao receber as passagens dessa viagem, a surpresa: o trecho de ida – Rio (GIG) – Zürich (ZRH) – seria operado pela Edelweiss. E a única coisa que eu sabia sobre a companhia suíça era que ela havia começado a operar no Brasil em abril desse ano com frequência de dois voos semanais, ligando o Rio de Janeiro a Zurique diretamente. Nos restou esperar o dia chegar e torcer para que a experiência de voo com a Edelweiss fosse boa.
Before moving permanently to Stuttgart, we came to the city on a first trip as usual for international assignments. When the tickets for this trip arrived, surprise: the one-way leg Rio (GIG) - Zurich (ZRH) - would be operated by Edelweiss. And, the only thing I knew about the Swiss company was that it had started operating in Brazil in April this year with a frequency of two flights per week, linking Rio de Janeiro to Zurich directly. We could only wait for the day to come and hope that the flight experience with Edelweiss turned out to be good.
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A330-200 da Edelweiss esperando a hora da decolagem no Rio (GIG) | A330-200 Edelweiss parked for boarding in Rio |
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Logo após o pouso em Zurique (ZRH) |
Right after landing in Zurich (ZRH) |
de Curitiba num voo com a TAM e chegamos ao Galeão com tempo hábil para nos
reapresentar no check-in da Lufthansa, pois a Edelweiss faz parte do grupo
alemão, e pegar os cartões de embarque definitivos. De posse dos cartões, seguimos para o
novíssimo Terminal 2 do aeroporto carioca. Ainda com algumas lojas para abrir
(isso foi no começo de junho), as opções de alimentação não eram as melhores nessa
porção do aeroporto, mas o cheiro de tinta era evidente, além do grande upgrade
que o dutyfree recebeu. Outra
novidade que serve para aqueles que já têm o passaporte com chip, o controle de
imigração é feito nos totens automáticos. Algumas pessoas se enrolavam, mas
tinha gente ajudando, no fim ficou bem mais prático o processo.
We left Curitiba on a flight with TAM and got to Galeao with time for us to walk back to the Lufthansa check-in - as the Edelweiss is part of the German group -, and take the final boarding passes. All done, we went to the brand new Terminal 2 of GIG airport. With still some shops to open (this was in early June), the offers were not the best in the boarding area, beyond the major upgrade that was done in the duty-free shop. Another new feature to those who already have a passport with chip, immigration control is done in automatic totems, it’s a much more practical process.
We left Curitiba on a flight with TAM and got to Galeao with time for us to walk back to the Lufthansa check-in - as the Edelweiss is part of the German group -, and take the final boarding passes. All done, we went to the brand new Terminal 2 of GIG airport. With still some shops to open (this was in early June), the offers were not the best in the boarding area, beyond the major upgrade that was done in the duty-free shop. Another new feature to those who already have a passport with chip, immigration control is done in automatic totems, it’s a much more practical process.
forma pontual, o embarque começou para o voo programado para decolar às 20:55
da sexta-feira. Ainda no finger, um
pouco antes de entrar no avião, alguns jornais de algumas partes do mundo à
disposição do passageiro. Os comissários vão nos recebendo com eficiência e
cordialidade, características que duram toda a viagem.
Punctually, boarding began for the flight scheduled to take off at 20:55 on Friday. Still in the finger, just before getting on the plane, some newspapers from around the world were at passenger's disposal. The flight attendants welcomed us with efficiency and cordiality, characteristics that lasted the entire trip.
Punctually, boarding began for the flight scheduled to take off at 20:55 on Friday. Still in the finger, just before getting on the plane, some newspapers from around the world were at passenger's disposal. The flight attendants welcomed us with efficiency and cordiality, characteristics that lasted the entire trip.
embarcar no excelente A330-200, mais uma surpresa, o avião era novo, com
sistema de entretenimento atual e individual. Filmes, séries, documentários e
canais de áudio onde você pode montar sua própria playlist estão entre os features. Fones de ouvido, travesseiro e
um cobertor estão sobre os assentos de cada passageiro.
Upon boarding the excellent A330-200, another surprise, the plane was new, with modern and individual entertainment system. Movies, series, documentaries and audio channels which you can set up your own playlist are some of the features. Headphones, pillow and blanket are placed on the seats of each passenger.

Upon boarding the excellent A330-200, another surprise, the plane was new, with modern and individual entertainment system. Movies, series, documentaries and audio channels which you can set up your own playlist are some of the features. Headphones, pillow and blanket are placed on the seats of each passenger.

espaço entre as poltronas na classe econômica era regular, mas comparando com a
volta num avião velho da Swiss – que já foi novo – a Edelweiss é muito mais
confortável. Reafirmando a tendência internacional de pagamento para a marcação
de assentos, na cia suíça não foi diferente: 29 CHF por pessoa, por trecho – na
cotação da época, cerca de 115 reais. Como o voo é longo (cerca de 11h de
duração), preferimos marcar o assento para não correr o risco de pegar lugares
mais desconfortáveis. A distribuição das poltronas na econômica desse avião
é dois-quatro-dois.
The space between seats in economy class was regular, but compared to older A340 Swiss planes, the Edelweiss’A330 was much more comfortable. Reaffirming the international trend of payment for reserved seats in the Swiss carrier it was no different: 29 CHF per person, each way - the quotation of the time, about 115 Brazilian reais. As the flight was long (about 11 hours) and the online check-in was not available for us (starting in Curitiba) we did the reservations. The layout of seats in economy class for this aircraft is 2-4-2.
The space between seats in economy class was regular, but compared to older A340 Swiss planes, the Edelweiss’A330 was much more comfortable. Reaffirming the international trend of payment for reserved seats in the Swiss carrier it was no different: 29 CHF per person, each way - the quotation of the time, about 115 Brazilian reais. As the flight was long (about 11 hours) and the online check-in was not available for us (starting in Curitiba) we did the reservations. The layout of seats in economy class for this aircraft is 2-4-2.
de acomodados e impressionados positivamente, decolamos rumo a Zurique, na
Suíça. Passadas cerca de duas horas de voo foi dado início ao serviço de bordo.
Primeiro, bebidas e um snack. Depois,
o jantar propriamente dito. Um dos melhores que já vi, vale salientar, com
direito a copinho de vidro (fofo) e talheres de metal. Durante o decorrer de
todo o voo, as comissárias passaram com água, suco e refrigerante. Além de você
mesmo poder se servir de bebidas nas galerias. O café da manhã, no entanto,
achei bem simples. Não se compara ao servido na mesma categoria da Lufthansa,
por exemplo.
After accommodated and positively impressed, we took off bound to Zurich, Switzerland. After about two hours of flight was initiated the on-board service. First, drinks and a snack. Then the dinner itself. One of the bests I've seen in economy, with real glass for drinks (cute) and metal cutlery. During the course of the entire flight, the flight attendants offered water and beverages. Besides that you could visit the Galleys for a refill. In comparison, I found that the breakfast was very simple. It does not compare to the one served in the economy of Lufthansa, for example.
After accommodated and positively impressed, we took off bound to Zurich, Switzerland. After about two hours of flight was initiated the on-board service. First, drinks and a snack. Then the dinner itself. One of the bests I've seen in economy, with real glass for drinks (cute) and metal cutlery. During the course of the entire flight, the flight attendants offered water and beverages. Besides that you could visit the Galleys for a refill. In comparison, I found that the breakfast was very simple. It does not compare to the one served in the economy of Lufthansa, for example.
o pouso a viagem seguiu tranquila. Ficamos positivamente surpreendidos com a
experiência em voar Edelweiss. Foi tão boa que, no trecho de volta, dessa vez
para São Paulo (GRU), operado pela a Swiss num avião antigo (que era novo em 2011), viemos lembrando do quão foi legal voar Edelweiss.
The landing went quietly. We were positively surprised by the experience of flying Edelweiss. It was so good that, on the return flight operated by an oldie Swiss Airbus to São Paulo (GRU), we wished we were flying with Edelweiss again.
The landing went quietly. We were positively surprised by the experience of flying Edelweiss. It was so good that, on the return flight operated by an oldie Swiss Airbus to São Paulo (GRU), we wished we were flying with Edelweiss again.
é torcer para voar novamente aqui dentro da Europa!
Now, we hope to fly again to vacation destinations here in Europe!
Now, we hope to fly again to vacation destinations here in Europe!
flight review
in english
Rio de Janeiro
serviço de bordo