Inspiration | Get to know the project "The world is my backyard" by designer Tatiana Vieira
In the early days of the blog I made sure to share with you some design references, which for me, as a former art director, is a field that I’ve always been passionate about. However, publishing my travel stories took not only time, but also the space I used to spread these drops of other things I’m interested about. Such a mistake, I admit, cause we must always shout out the beauty we see around and, the interaction of travel and design is always infallible. So, I will do my best to bring back these topics and things I’m inspired by. After all, travel is also inspiration.
Para começar a semana de uma forma leve e colorida, eu trago uma iniciativa que conheci através do Follow the Colours, o projeto “O mundo é o meu quintal”, criado pela designer Tatiana Vieira. A Tati também faz parte do nosso clube, o das pessoas que criam asas ao invés de raízes. Atualmente, ela está na Alemanha – país BEM querido aqui pelo blog – e pretende seguir desbravando o mundo com a mochila nas costas e um lápis na mão. A entrevista, vocês podem ler no F.t.C. Por aqui, a gente fica com um aperitivo das lindezas de Tati.
To start the week in a light and colorful way, I bring an initiative that I saw on ‘Follow the Colours’, the project "O mundo é o meu quintal” (The world is my backyard) created by designer Tatiana Vieira. Tati is part of the club of people who create wings rather than roots. She is currently in Germany – our dearest country here at blog - and intends to continue exploring the world with a backpack and a pencil. You can read her interview on F.t.C. Here, we show off an appetizer of Tati’s art.
Boa semana, viajantes!
coisas legais
eterea design
follow the colours
in english
mulheres viajantes
tatiana vieira